Monday, April 18, 2011

Final post.

Football is one of the greatest sports and for having it for the blogging project it was easy. I really only learned a little bit from this experience. I learned some of the real detailed rules are in football and I finally learned how long exactly a football field is. Other than that I knew just everything about football. It’s not that difficult to learn the game of football. They are pretty basic rules to follow.  Football is one of the greatest sports. Football is the most sport watched in America. NFL players make more than any other professional sport does unless a person is really good at another sport so they paid more. So very rarely does another sport pay more than professional football. I can’t tell you where football is going anymore. I don’t even know if there is going to be football in our future because the NFL just had a lock down and that means they won’t play for a whole season. That’s going to be bad for younger players and fans because what can they look up too.  Who knows if the NFL will ever come back because our economy is so bad they might not for a few seasons. Some NFL players are even suing because of the ordeal. It’s not like they don’t make enough money already. They have a point to sue to actually because they have a contract and there contract was cut short. So now they are demanding for the rest of their money that they should have earned. Anyways get of the NFL lock down, it’s just there might be no future of football if the NFL can’t follow through and have a season. The most challenging thing about this blogging project was writing enough words about my topic because football is short and sweet and there is much to write about it. All the ideas are there to write but everything about football can be put out there really short. So that was my problem with the blogging project trying to get enough words for the blog. Another problem I had was no body commented on some of my blogs so I couldn’t comment on their comments so I got points taken off. Then some information was hard to find like the one week I think we had a how to blog. It was kind of hard to but the two together, but I did it somehow. After this blog I won’t continue on doing these blogs because I have no need for it since I don’t have to do it for school. This doesn’t really interest me so I won’t do any more of them. Plus I have better things to do than sit inside and sit on the computer and just write for a few hours. I was never really about that, I don’t even like reading so I’m pretty I don’t want write a big essay like this and then turn around and read it all. So Anyways this is my last blog… adios.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


1. Green Bay Packers
  • Strength: Passing offense
  • Weakness: Offensive line
  • Must: Improve depth on both lines.
2. New England Patriots
  • Strength: Offense
  • Weakness: Pass rush
  • Must: Get the usual 3 impact players out of draft.
3. Pittsburgh Steelers
  • Strength: Pass rush
  • Weak: Secondary
  • Must: Make a decision on Ike Taylor and upgrade DBs.
4. New Orleans Saints
  • Strength: Complete offense.
  • Weakness: Run defense.
  • Must: Add to the defense in draft.
5. New York Jets
  • Strength: Rex Ryan’s defense.
  • Weakness: Sanchise.
  • Must: Add pass rusher and re-sign free agents.
6. Indianapolis Colts
  • Strength: Peyton’s “audible football”
  • Weakness: Both lines
  • Must: Find future RB.
7. Baltimore Ravens
  • Strength: Pass rush
  • Weakness: Offensive line
  • Must: Get a speed WR and
8. Philadelphia Eagles
  • Strength: Team speed, playmakers
  • Weakness: O-Line, secondary
  • Must: Upgrade CB2 and RG
9. Atlanta Falcons
  • Strength: Style of play, ball control
  • Weakness: Secondary offensive options
  • Must: Make offense more dynamic
10. San Diego Chargers
  • Strength: Big play passing game
  • Weakness: Special teams, pass rush
  • Must: Establish defensive identity.

The Green Bay Packers are labeled number one because they have almost everything. They are good just about every year. They worked themselves up to being the best. Next is the New England Patriots they are number two because they lost some players so they dropped a little. They have been good since I could remember they have never had a off season in a while. After that its Pittsburgh they have also always been awesome, they have the most super bowl wins thats why they are 3rd. Then there is New Orleans, they have really jumped up in the past few years, they have really only had a good few good years and then worked themselves up to where they are now. After that comes New York Jets, New York has dropped in the past few years they use to be up in the top 3. Then comes the Colts the Colts was also another team that was up there then for the past few years they lost a few ranks. The ravens are next, they have came along way like New Orleans has, they use to be really bad and be one of the worst teams. After that Eagles, they had a good for a little bit a few years ago then they dropped. The Falcons are next they also use to be not so good until last season, they came flying up in rank. The Chargers are 10th they lost alot of players like lt so they lost some rank.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Football and baseball

Football and baseball have many things in common and many different  things  about them both. First off football and baseball both pay really good. Both pay in the millions if your good enough. Football and baseball both have leagues to play in. The differnece in the leauges is football has the NFL to play in and baseball has the MLB to play in. Football and baseball you both have to catch a ball in. They both you have to run in. They both have rules to play in them . In football you have to play on a 120 yard field, and baseball you play on a baseball diamond. In football you play with a football and in baaseball you play with a baseball. Football you wear football cleats and baseball u wear baseball cleats. Football has a sideline to take a break on and baseball you take a break in a dugout. In football you wear pads and baseball you don’t. For both you have to score more than the other team to win. In football you can the football, in baseball you dont kick a baseball. In football there is 11 players on the feild for a team and baseball there is 9. In football you play in quarters and in baseball you play in innings. Football you cant hit a ball but in baseball you can hit a ball with a bat. In football there are touchdown and baseball there are just runs. In football you play 4 quaters and baseball you play 9 innings. Both sports you can go into over time. Both sports you cant tie in a game someone always has to win. Both sports if you play professionally you get paid. Both sports there is grass on the fields. Both can be watched on tv. Football and baseball are the most watched sports in America. Both sports you have to be good to go big in. Both sports you can be put in the hall of fame. Both sports players hold staats. Both sports have a big variety of teams in the pros. That is the similarties in football and baseball.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Interview Questions
1. What is your favorite NFL football team?
My favorite football team in the NFL is Tampa Bucs because I am from Florida.

2. What is your football team in college?
My favorite football team in college is the Florida Gators because they are good and they are from Florida.

3. If you played football in NFL what team would it be?
The team I would play on is Tampa Bay because they are my favorite football team in the NFL.

4. What is your favorite player in the NFL?
My favorite player in the NFL is Tim Tebow because I watched him in college and he was my favorite in college too.

5. What is your favorite player in college?
My favorite college player is Major Right because he is good and plays on my favorite team.

6. If you played football what position would you play?
I would play MLB which stands for middle line backer, I would choose MLB because they get to hit alot of people that come up the middle.

7. Whats your favorite coach?
My favorite coach of all time is Steve Spuryer because he is one of the best coaches.

8. What number would you be if you played football?
I would be either 8 or 14 because those numbers I like the best.

9. What do you think of the NFL lockout?
I think its going to be werid that there is not going to be a season of football because football season is so great.

10. Why is football so great to you?
Football is great to me because it is entertaining to watch and always keeps you on your toes waiting to see what happens next

Quote: "Football doesn't build character, it reveals character!"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The name of the game football.

In my opinion football is one of the most popular sports. Football is the highest paying sport in America. It is the most watched sport and the most played sport in America. Almost everyone watches it and ejoys it. There are many different teams in many different leagues. Then highest league in footvall is the NFL. Under that would probably be AFL or college ball. College football is the best because all the players are playing their hardest and not for money. So the intesity is a lot higher, in the NFL it seems like the players do it all for the money. For example in the NFL  if a player breaks their pinky they are out for  3 games or something like that. In college its way different, college players take a break for a second and tap it up on the side lines and get back to it. Most college players are trying to make it to the big times so they go all out all the time. That’s what makes college football better than NFL football. In college there are many teams to pick from to like. They have like 12 confrences in all with like 10 teams and more in them each. So it makes it that much  harder to get to the Championship. The NFL there is only 32 teams so it fairly easy to get to the Superbowl. Basically in the NFL you got it or you don’t if your good you know your goin to the NFL. So you can call out which two teams are going to the NFL  before the season even starts. College football your always on your toes to see whos going  to the National Championship, teams are always upsetting other teams. That’s what makes college ball so good. The basic concept of football is to run down and score a touchdown and see who gets the most points. Football is a contact sport so people are always getting hurt. Many players are out for a whole season sometimes. That’s why  you should pray before every game and practice. Well atleast that’s what I did when I played a while back. That’s the name of the game football.
Sorce:(Bob woods,copyright 2006)

Friday, March 4, 2011


A football field is 120 yards long. On each end of the field is an end zone, and both of these are 10 yards long. The object of the game is to move the football into one of these end zones. Therefore, the field between the end zone markers is 100 yards exactly.The field is 53 and 1/2 yards wide. The out of bounds is marked by a white line, which is called the boundary marker, boundary line or out of bounds. When a player steps over this line, the play stops. Between the end zone lines, there is a yard line every five yards. Every other one of these yard lines is marked with a number, which from left to right read 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10. These are used to count the distance from the center of the field towards either of the end zone lines.At the end of either end zone, there are goal posts. These post are 18.5 feet apart, and serve as targets for field goals and extra point attempts. Kicking the ball through these goal posts, also called uprights, yield 3 points for a field goal and 1 for an extra point. Each yard is also marked with a yard dash, which are called yard markets. These are used by referees, broadcasters and fans alike, to keep track of a team’s progress. When the game is played the the two teams that are playing each put out 11 players on the the field. 11 on offense and 11 on defense. The object of the offense is to try to run down field and score a touchdown. Meanwhile the deffense has to stop them from trying to score. The offense has four downs a drive. To keep the drive going the offense can get first downs which is every 10 yards. When the offense gets to fourth down and dont get a first down its called a turnover. Which the other team has to bring their offense out. On offense you can throw a interception in which the quater throws the football and a deffensive player catches the ball. There is also a fumble when somebody drops the ball both on offense and deffense. Penaltys are what refrees call when a player does something wrong. Penaltys include offsides, faultstarts, holding, unsportsman like, and many more. You win by whoever scores the most in the game. Thats the name of the game football.
"Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Keeping up with a business!

There are many struggles with keeping up with a business. A good buisness needs many things, so that that business dosent go bankrupt. First of all you want to be good with money so that you wont lose money or miss place it. It is very easy to lose track of money, in many business's this is whats happens. Business's use money in which they dont have and they cant pay it back. After tehy cant pay it back they go bankrupt and have to sell it or the bank takes it away from them.You always want to be on top of your money, a easy way to do that is try not to spend to much and always check if you have more than enough. Then you are going to need help with that money so you might want to get trusty assitants to help you. Make sure the people helping you wont steal any money from you, and make sure they will work to their full potential. Next you are going to wna to find a convinant palce to put your business. You want to put your business in a good place for costumers to find it. Make sure the morgage is not to much to pay for. Then you are going to want great workers that will be able to do the labor. You dont want slacker because that will just make you mad all the time. You want workers you can trust and that can get the jobs done when you are not present.
Those are the basic rules with keeping up with a buisness and rules so you dotn fall behind with your business.

Quote: We call ourselves a “capacity building” organization; self-motivated and self-initiated capacity building. For example, in 30 years, I don’t think I have signed a check for the company.